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The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 91: Update LXXVII - Saber-san angry

Update LXXVII - Saber-san angry

This update covers events from Update XV to XVII

Music: School IV

Unable to let it pass unnoticed, my Servant talks to me.

Rin, was it? That girl seems to have gladly abandoned civility, but I will not.

Honestly, I'm surprised. I didn't think my Servant would have anything comforting to say to me. I abruptly ask why she didn't.

I like those who are kind. There is no beauty in your tears, but they move me nonetheless. ...Yes. I can't quite put it into words, but after this fight I do believe I like you a bit more.

Saber swells with pride. I can't help laughing. I mean, she spoke so confidently even though it's something she herself is unsure of.

It is not the stronger wish, but the wish that is more beautiful that triumphs in the end. Your wish may be a small, frail seed now, but by the end it will have blossomed beautifully. Therefore, all you need to do is keep winning, and resolution will bloom in your mind.

...She says that I'm kind. Then am I shedding tears of empathy? I'm not sure I'm that kind. Still, Saber's words soothe me. But, I can't allow myself to feel too much. I can't advance through the second round on kindness.

Music: Duel of Fate

Hi Dan.

I missed you.

Fighting this Master will force you to refine your crude fighting skills, willing or not!

She doesn't mention how outclassed I am here. She probably believes she can overcome my weakness. Personally, I'm not so optimistic. In terms of battle prowess, I lack not only strength, but drive. Like Dan said, I'm lost. I don't know what I'm fighting for, and that's an obvious handicap. But, for my reasons to have been so easily cast aside, just how strong could they have been?

Music: School IV

Go see Rin.

Spend my SP.

And go talk about why Saber refuses to use her NP.

That's right. This proud woman is a Servant, one just as capable of displaying incredible powers. Now that I'm a Master, of course I can't avoid my curiosity about this Noble Phantasm thing.

A Noble Phantasm is the symbol of a Heroic Spirit. If used, it will disclose my identity.

It will be usable in time, but it should not be exposed on small fry in the first round. Yes, a need to use it will arrive. Anticipation will sweeten the day it is finally revealed.

Second round, Saber. We're already past the first.

I understand how a great warrior's tactics and tools could telegraph their identity to a wise Master. It will be most advantageous if I wait as long as possible to use the Noble Phantasm... The computer beeps, which ends the conversation for now. I'll learn Saber's identity in due time. She says I'll know eventually, so I don't think it's right for me to keep questioning.

: : The primary cipher key has been generated.

A trial, huh...? Right, if I don't acguire both Triggers, I won't be able to enter the battle.

Our task has been laid before us. Completing it is more worthwhile than Noble Phantasm blather.

But, cannot simple luxuries be provided to enliven this dreadfully dreary environment? A garden of roses or a bath with saffron would lend the place a little opulence...

Her generic line for this week is:

The magic in my blade is still weak. You should devote yourself to fixing this with haste, Praetor.

And off we go to the Arena.

Uncouth though he may be, he has emerged victorious from the first round. That being said, he might be more a source of amusement than an actual threat.

We'll probably encounter them once inside, so be sure you've made any necessary preparations. There is no need for haste, so take care of any unfinished business you might have.

I'm good!

That's good to hear, Master. This foe will be different from what we faced before. Stay alert.

Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor

Music: Fear

However, I can't bring myself to move. It feels like both of my feet have been nailed to the floor. It's almost as if my body and mind have become disconnected and fear has taken over my basic instincts. I know that I have to get away as quickly as possible. The longer I stay here, the faster that death will come to claim me.

To think he'd try to assault me from the shadows— Such arrogance and an appalling lack of refinement!

The sound of Saber voicing her disgust brings me back to reality and frees up my previously paralyzed thoughts. I'm okay now. —I can move my feet and hands.

This must be an aspect of that Servant's Noble Phantasm. I can feel an aura of death even here.

There is only one course of action to be taken. I will destroy this foul trickery with my blade!

Destroy it and we obliterate the poison. Let us go!

Saber's vastly larger HP pool means Robin's poison is even more of a joke than before.

Anyways, the duo.

Restrain Saber.

It is so nice to be able to just not die at every opportunity.

I restrain the belligerent Saber while trying to quiet my breathing. Attacking now would be a bad idea, since I can learn a lot just by listening.

There is no sense of beauty in his Servant's actions. Also, there are far better poisons he could've used.

And there's the tree.

Magic flows from where the tree towers over the Arena. There is so much of it that those who are unprepared would drown in poison.

Music: Stops

The destroyed tree vanishes, as if nothing had ever been there. The moment the source of the barrier disappears, so does the pressure and pain crushing my body. But, this barrier... We need to watch out for this Servant. I leave the area to focus. First, I need more information.

Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor

Get a level clearing the place out.

Excellent, we've obtained the Trigger.

And leave.

Music: School III

Your reliance on willpower instead of ability or philosophy really comes in handy for me! Indeed, I entrust myself to that willpower without question, Praetor. Since those two cannot understand each other soul to soul, they rely on faulty words and emotions. So, let us exacerbate their ill feelings toward each other, and in doing so, grasp victory. Observe those two closely in order to ascertain the differences in their philosophies.

Dan and Leo have a quick chat.

Music: School IV

Master, let us head to the Arena and see what we can do to close the gap between you two.

Saber's right. If I don't get my abilities up to par, I won't have a chance at winning.

And Saber gets her passive skill.

Emperor's Perogative is... fine. It helps out more on NG as you can use the increased item drops to hit 100 items faster, but on NG+ I have so much money I can just load up on healing items whenever I want.

Music: Down to Dawn

Saber has her yellow chat fairly early this week. Tamamo's was on Day 6, for comparison.

The Servant of a magus I just passed by was the beautiful Atalante. Greek Heroic Spirits are lovely, as was that Atalante! That thief in green robes cannot compare!

Well someone fucked up if a passive Servant could figure out their own Servant's identity.

Atalante herself would debut in the Fate/Apocrypha light novel two years later in 2012. Considering the timing, this might have been originally intended as a call forward for the eventually canceled Apocrypha MMO.

Saber pouts, settling back into her makeshift throne. Gosh, you'd think our opponent in the second round offended her sensibilities or something.

That man has a treacherous nature. And as a king, I deplore him for bearing fangs against a nobleman. Remember this well! I dislike frugality, destitution, and treason! He is all of those in one! It is enough to make my hair curl— Are you even listening, Praetor?!

A king, huh? That's like Leo said. How strange to speak of kings... Well, actually, in this virtual world, kings aren't that odd. ...Now I'm curious. If Leo is a modern-day king, then what did Saber preside over?

Hmn? What sort of ruler was I? That is not easily stated...

For my entertainment, I will have you guess. How am I reflected in your eyes?

Servants are reproductions of historical legends. Then, she was-

A bold emperor?

Perhaps she was an esteemed emperor. This woman may be vain, but it's not born of unfounded arrogance. There is something noble within her that leads her to behave as if she is no mere mortal.

...I see. I would accept such a classification—

Er, no, I guided my people grandly! It was like paradise! My citizens boasted of enjoying three lifetimes in their one! I was immensely popular!

Saber swells with triumph. She really is self-centered. But I get the sense that while she took her position for granted, she was nevertheless an excellent ruler.


Looks like Hakuno was a bit off the mark there.

...She remains silent, as if a memory had asserted itself. Her bright smile fades.

...Hmph. Well, I suppose this isn't something I should be proud of. I was no leader. The people are to be commended for bringing my whims to fruition while I did nothing but wallow in luxury. I seem to have asked you an insipid question, Praetor. Let us warriors forget this conversation.

Saber clams up. Was our discussion really that irrelevant? We're talking about the woman who fights and bleeds in my place. I should get to know her true nature more deeply-


A feared tyrant?

Perhaps she was a feared tyrant who tormented her people. I mean, she really looks down on others. She's fast to swing a blade and rash to the point of negligence. It couldn't be easy living under this woman's reign.

Are you insinuating you would like to squirm under my thumb just as my people did?

There seems to be a trend of Hakuno accidentally pissing off their Servant on Week 2.

Would you like to feel the terrible infamy of my name visited upon your body?

I shake my head wildly. Scary! Even though she's half-joking, shivers are going down my spine. Her smile is more threatening than the blade of an enemy Servant.

Just as long as you understand. Even I will sulk if accused of being a tyrant by my charge. Instead, call me fool-no, an earnest emperor incapable of separating business and pleasure.

At any rate, I have no need to be irate. Your answer is, yes, mostly correct.

Saber crosses her arms and nods in satisfaction. ...All right. I'll just pretend I didn't say that. For my own safety.


A beloved idol?

Perhaps she was an idol. She's a shorty. She's in a dress. I can picture her singing.

You mean a celebrated artist? Yes, you are exactly right, Praetor! I am an artist before an emperor! I sang songs, and enjoyed writing as well! I also immersed myself in sculpting once, and metalwork!

As Saber bubbles away, for the first time I can see an artist inside that resplendent figure. ...But, could an artist with such an eclectic repertoire become popular?

Hmph, how popular was I? I-I was very much in demand! Upon a triumphant return from battle a small girl laid a crown of flowers upon my head. I was quite popular!

...Isn't that your popularity as a king, not your popularity as an artist?

Wh-What's with that look?! I would not lie! ...W-Well, not every one of my works was a masterpiece, but most of them were quite fine. Perhaps my literary works were... too advanced for their time. They were eschewed by my friends.

Saber might not have noticed, but she just gave us a smoking gun.

See, Tactitus could only refer to Publius Cornelius Tactitus, a Roman historian who lived from 56 AD to 120 AD. He was alive during the reign of one Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, who was born with the name Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus.

Congratulations, Saber! You just gave away your own true name!

Hakuno, for his part, won't figure it out until she reveals it herself in Week 5, naturally.

—Well, in the end I stopped myself. I had grown accustomed to the public lacking an understanding of my art. No one understands genius. My own faith in myself is sufficient. As well as the faith of my Praetor, who places their life in my hands—

She nods expectantly. I have no idea if Saber was a great artist or not, but if I want her to fight willingly by my side, I better approve of her hobbies.

A good response. Some day I will show you I am right. Until then, trust my words.

Saber smiles, encouraging me to agree with her. All I needed to convince me was that smile. It was tasteless of her to command me. ...Anyway, there is some truth in what she says. Only an artist can truly assess the quality of their work. Those who desire others' assessments are not artists but merchant craftsmen.

All three end the scene.

Music: Duel of Fate

Go meet Rani.

You must understand that we are not the only ones striving to obtain information.

Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor

And off to go get those bits for her.

There is benefit in searching for items an enemy Servant has dropped. We should go look for it.

The first place I should search is where that troublesome tree was.

The source of the barrier, the remains of the arrow. The arrowhead in my hands looks antique.

There may be something more. I should keep searching.

Get a level on the way.

And leave.

Next time: Gee, Nero, how come the Moon Cell lets you have two buff skills?